Avaliaçõa da gordura corporal e da aptidão cardiorrespiratória em escolares




This study has for objective to evaluate body fat and cardiorespiratory fitness in scholars using the reference criteria established by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD, 1988). The present study was characterized as descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample was composed by 269 scholars (118 male and 151 female), aged 10-11 years-old and enrolled in two municipal schools from Ipatinga, Minas Gerais. Two components of health-related physical fitness were evaluated: body fat and cardiorespiratory fitness. The normality of the data was verified and confirmed through skewness and curtose tests with level of significance p ≤ 0,05. Descriptive statistics were used to verify the percent of scholars that reaches the AAHPERDs reference criteria (1998) of body fat and cardiorespiratory fitness. Data was analyzed by the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 10.0. The results show that 67,7% of the scholars presented an adequate level of body fat in terms of health. There was observed a trend towards overweight/obesity (22,7%), being that 9,6% it had presented trend for malnutrition. The majority of the scholars (70,6%) presented an inadequate level of cardiorespiratory fitness e only 29,4% presented good level of cardiorespiratory fitness. These results evidenced that the levels of cardiorespiratory fitness in scholars need more attention from health professionals in order to minimize or to prevent an early development of chronic diseases at the beginning of adolescence.


educacao fisica composição corporal physical fitness body composition aptidão física adolescents adolescentes

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