Avaliação ultra-estrutural do efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sodio em glandulas submandibulares de ratos




The radioprotective effect of sodium selenite in the secretory cells of submandibular glands of rats was assessed by ultrastructural analysis. A total of 57 rats were used, which were divided into four experimental groups: control, irradiated, sodium selenite and sodium selenite/irradiated. The animals belonging to the irradiated and sodium selenite /irradiated groups were submitted to 15 Gy of gamma radiation at the head and neck. The animals in the sodium selenite and sodium selenite/irradiated groups received intraperitoneal injections of sodium selenite, 0.5mg/kg of body weight, at 24 hours before irradiation; the control and irradiated groups received injection of saline solution. The submandibular glands were removed at 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after irradiation. The results demonstrated that the radiation induced damages to the secretory cells, especially the serous cells, since the first period. The damages were increased up to the 12- hour period, with onset of the repair process at 24 hours, without complete recovery at the last periods. The sodium selenite group also presented cellular alterations in the study periods, yet with less damage compared to that caused by radiation. There was vacuolization, lysis of cytoplasmic inclusions and nuclear alterations. The sodium selenite/irradiated group was more similar to the control group than the other groups treated at all study periods. It was concluded that, despite the alterations observed in the sodium selenite group, the sodium selenite has a radioprotective action on the secretory cells of submandibular glands


ultraestrutura salivary glands glandulas salivares selenito de sodio ultraestructure radiação ionizante selenium glandula submandibular radiotherapy radiation ionizing selenio radioterapia sodium selenite submandibular gland

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