Avaliação técnica e microestrutural entre tijolos dolomíticos de alto desempenho para a indústria siderúrgica


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The refractory dolomite is widely used as coating for ladles work in steelmaking process for its excellent refractoriness in terms of service. The use of this refractory is due to a natural formation of a protective layer, which enhances the life of the refractory, resulting in increased equipment life. This work is based on a comparative study between two bricks dolomite named here as A and B. Tests were given on an industrial scale by assembling six coatings of each brick placed in the same conditions by monitoring the temperature and the degree of oxidation of the metal bath. At the end of the campaign applied some tests POST MORTEM, how measurements of residual stresses. Moreover, to complete this comparative study, separated from each brand new bricks, which were subjected to microstructural analyzes via MEV, thermogravimetric analysis, chemical analysis by EDS and XRD, among other tests. The results showed that the performance of brick A was 20% higher than brick B. The Brick A has a higher purity, microstructure with rounded aggregates with greater homogeneity, optimal distribution between fine and medium particles, favoring the packaging which justifies a higher fracture toughness and corrosion resistance. It was also clearly evidenced the presence of graphitic carbon in the brick A, giving it a higher resistance to thermal shock and corrosion.


refractory indústria siderúrgica dolomite materiais refratários requirements microestrutura microstructure

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