Avaliação radiográfica de enxerto ósseo xenogênico em alvéolos de terceiros molares inferiores não-irrompidos / Radiographic assessment of impacted mandibular third molar sockets filled with composite xenogenic bone graft




The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiographic aspect of bone healing filled with a xenogenic graft material (Gent-techTM). Thirty- nine patients, ranging from 15 to 25 years with bilateral impacted mandibular molars were chosen based on bilateral mandibular similarities. After tooth extraction, one socket was filled with experimental materials. The opposite site was left to heal naturally and served as control. Bone density and crest healing were evaluated on digital radiographs taken immediately and 2 and 6 months after the surgery. The data obtained with DigoraTM software were compared statistically. The results showed a significant decrease in the distance from the cemento-enamel junction to the alveolar bone crest, but no difference was found between the control and experimental groups. Bone density increased significantly, but no difference was observed between study periods. The image behavior observed by the authors was similar to that of the control group, suggesting high acceptance of the material as graft option.


terceiro molar implante de osso orgânico dente não erupcionado

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