Avaliação in vivo de matrizes tridimensionais de quitosana para a bioengenharia tecidual óssea.




This study evaluated the histomorphological behavior in vivo of tridimensional matrices of chitosan with 4% and 15% degrees of acetylene process, in a 9mm critical size defect of diameter created in rat calvaria. Sixty rats Wistar Albinus, disposed in three groups were evaluated. In the GI group (control group) the defect was filled only with blood coagulant; in the GII group, the defect was filled with a chitosan scaffold of 4% degree of acetilation; in the GIII group, the defect was filled with a 15% of acetilation chitosan matrix, evaluated in the biological points of 7, 15, 45 and 120 days. The results demonstrated that there were no significant differences amongst the evaluated groups, concerning the osseous repair, which remained limited to the osseous edges of the defect, in a repairing way. The GII and GIII groups presented an inflammatory reaction predominantly granulomatose, with fibrous tissue deposition among the implanted biomaterials. It is possible to conclude that both biomaterials were biocompatible, however, there was no osseous neoformation associated to the implantation of them.


quitosana osseous regeneration critical size defect tissue bioengineering chitosan biomaterial bioengenharia tecidual matriz tridimensional regeneração óssea defeito crítico odontologia tridimensional matrix biomaterial

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