Avaliação em reabilitação profissional : a experiencia de adoecer por LER e o resgate da autonomia : uma trajetoria singular




The present study is an evaluative ex-post survey that compares the results of intervention directed towards helping the autonomy of injured parties from LER (Injured by Repetitive Movement) of two models for professional rehabilitation, from CRP-Campinas (Center of Professional Rehabilitation of INSS in Campinas- SP) and from NRP- Americana (Nucleus of Professional Rehabilitation in Americana-SP). The first model shows innovation, having broken from the traditional models of professional rehabilitation of social welfare because it fulfilled an interdisciplinary and complete therapeutic ervice. The second model can receive minimal attention, without the therapeutic project, not reaching beyond a check up, foreseeing, basically, the return of injured party to work and it has been adapted in an actual context of privatization of Work Related Accident Insurance of Brazil. he evaluative research took into consideration the moments before and after intervention of the professionals at both services, haying judgment format with profiles, indicators, and variables, starting ITom a combination of dimensions (physical, in relation to the movement of the body, emotional and sociability) determined by the survey. The source of data was obtained from forty-seven (47) records of people injured in these types of occupations at CRP-Campinas, and thirty-two (32) records of injured parties at NRP-Americana from period of August 1995 to December 1997. Records from LER of CRP-Campinas were also used. The results allow us to conclude by positive -results of the first model its adequacy to objectives for intervention in the survey, while the second called little attention and did not prove adequate for rehabilitation of injured parties from LER


acidentes de trabalho saude e trabalho previdencia social doenças profissionais

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