Avaliação de funções visuomotoras em lactentes a termo pequenos para a idade gestacional no primeiro semestre de vida




The purpose of this study was to compare the mental and motor development and the visuomotor functions of full-term infants small-for-gestational age (SGA) with full-term appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) infants in the first six months of life. The research design was a double-blind prospective observational case-control study. Ethical permission was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of Unicamp. The neonates were selected at the Center of Integral Attention to the Woman s Health (CAISM-Unicamp). Entry criteria consisted of no gemelar pregnancy, newboms well enough to go home within two days after birth; infants living in Campinas metropolitan area; full-term neonates (37-41 weeks); expected birth weight less than 10th percentile for the SGA group and birth weight between 10th and 90th percentile for the AGA group. Infants with genetic syndromes, multiple congenital malformations and verified congenital infections were excluded. Forty-six infants came back for the assessment. The sample for the transverse study consisted of 31 infants in the 1st month; 33 in the 2nd, 34 in the 3rd and in the 6th month. For the longitudinal cohort were considered 20 infants in the 1 st month, 2nd and in the 3rd month and 17 infants in the 6th month. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development 11 (BSID-II) were used. To assess visuomotor functions it was selected specific items of these Scales. The data were registered in a data base of the Epidemiologicallnformation program (EPI-Info version 6.02). The SSPS/PC Package was used for statistical tests. The significance levei was 0.05. In the transverse cohort, a large number of SGA infants were classified as normal in Mental Performance in the first month, with no statistic difference between both groups. A large number of AGA infants were classified as normal, with a tendency to statistic significant difference in the sixth month. The median values of Index Score were lower in the SGA group, except in the first month. In the second month, the Mental Scale showed tendency to differentiate both groups and the Motor Scale showed statistic significant difference. The visuomotor functions such as "bring hands to mouth" in the first month and "reaching arms for suspended ring" in the third month were more frequently observed in the SGA group. The item "keeps hands open" showed a tendency of difference between both groups in the third month. The item "manipulates a bell with interest in details" and "hold two blocs for 3 seconds" were more frequent in the AGA group in the sixth month. The conclusion has shown that SGA infants presented normal Mental performance in the first month and AGA infants presented normal performance in the sixth month. The second month of life showed a drop of median values in the Index Score Mental and Motor values in the SGA group. The visuomotor functions, bring hands to mouth in the first month and reaching arms for suspended ring in the third month were more frequent in the SGA group. The longitudinal cohort has verified the same results as in the transverse cohort.


desnutrição nas crianças avaliação lactentes - desenvolvimento desnutrição

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