Avaliação de escrita na dislexia do desenvolvimento: teste de nomeação de figura por escrita (TNF1.1-escrita)




Developmental dyslexia is the most common learning difficulties by school students. Studies in this area have given priority to reading assessment, even though difficulties with automatic letter writing and naming have been evidenced, resulting in spelling problems. Spelling problems have been overseen in dyslexia diagnosis partially due to the lack of instruments available to assess writing. An instrument that allows the assessment of writing competence through a computer is the Written Picture Naming Test (WPNT1.1-Writing). The purpose of this study is to analyze the answers patterns of dyslexics in naming figures by writing. Fifteen dyslexics, males and females, were analyzed, with ages ranging from 8 through 12 years from public and private schools in the State of São Paulo. In addition, two groups contrasting normal readers have been used as comparison: Control Group by Age made up of 15 children with no reading problems, paired up by gender, age and type of school with dyslexic children; and a Control Group by reading level: made up of 15 younger readers, paired up with dyslexics by gender, type of school and reading performance. Results of quantitative analyses suggest that: total score of participants with dyslexia at WPNT1.1-Writing was significantly lower than that of participants in the control group by age; a significant difference was not observed in total score at WPNT1.1-Writing of participants with dyslexia compared with participants in the Control Group by reading level; children of the Control group by reading level were slower than participants with dyslexia and those of the Control group by age. Analisys of errors types, shows significant differences between dyslexics and participants of the two control groups for the following types of mistakes: grapheme-phoneme univocal correspondence, omission of segments and phoneme-grapheme correspondence regardless of rules, this finds suggests both phonological and orthographical difficulties. Analysis of answers patterns in written naming tests provides greater understanding of writing strategies and difficulties of people with the dyslexia diagnosis.


erros ortográficos dyslexia dislexia psicologia escrita

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