Avaliacao de dados obtidos pelo TM Landsat para implantacao de projetos de colonizacao de microrregiao do Alto Purus Estado do Acre / Evaluation of data obtained from the Landsat thematic mapper for implementation of colonization projects of the microregion of the Upper River, Eastern Acre State




The potential use of the TM LANDSAT imagery to obtain information concerning drainage and vegetation in the Microregion of, the Upper Purus River, eastern Acre State, is evaluated in this study. An intense occupation process has taken place in this area by means of the establishment of several settlement projects. The information concerning both the drainage and vegetation are important. data for the occupation planning, considering that such data are not available in this area. The analysis of the images through, digital processing provided some auspicious results. The evaluation of-these results allowed many considerations on the potential of TM LANDSAT imagery and their applicability in areas covered by tropical, rain forests.


alto rio purus (ac) tropical regions florestas drenagem thematic mappers (landsat) processamento de imagens altopurus (ac) projeto de colonização vegetation vegetacao river basins rain florests satélites landsat drainage patters região tropical mapeador temático (landsat) forests

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