Avaliação da vida util de manga (Mangifera indica cv Tommy Atkins ) minimamente processada pre-tratada com acido citrico e coberturas comestiveis / Evaluation of the shelf-life of minimally processed mango (Mangifera indica cv Tommy Atkins ) pre-treated with citric acid and edible coatings


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Mango is a widely grown and consumed fruit in Brazil, being also exported `in natura¿ to many different countries. Fresh-cut mangoes, in spite of their practicity, may have enzymatic browning and unpleasant changes of texture. Thus, this work aimed to study the shelf-life of mango slices (Mangifera indica cv `Tommy Atkins¿) pre-treated with citric acid and/or covered with cassava starch or sodium alginate and stored at 5°C. Preliminary tests with citric acid concentrations between 0.5% and 2% (w/v) and cassava starch from 1% to 3% (w/v) were made to quantify weight loss, mechanical properties (stress and strain at failure) and color (L*, C* and H*). The 0.5% citric acid and the 1% cassava starch concentrations were considered the best treatment conditions. In the following procedures, the best conditions for associated treatments (citric acid and cassava starch coating), mango slices dipped in citric acid solution (0.5%) with sodium alginate coating (2% w/v) and the addition of 1% (w/v) of glycerol on the coated treatments were analyzed. The samples with alginate coating showed the higher texture loss and enzymatic browning. Cassava starch coatings were more efficient in maintaining the quality parameters of the mango slices. Although all coatings have reduced the respiration rate of the product, the addition of glycerol promoted higher gas exchange. The treatments with cassava starch, with and without glycerol, were selected to the shelf-life study. The non-glycerol cassava starch treatment was more efficient in maintaining the texture and color. Due to the citric acid dipping, these samples presented higher values of titratable acidity and lower values of total soluble solids. The cassava starch coating slices without glycerol had a good sensorial acceptance and their shelf-life was attested to be of 15 days. The cassava starch coating slices containing glycerol presented a bitter taste and, due to microbiological growth, had a shelf-life of 10 days


manga fecula de mandioca acido citrico alginato de sodio processamento minimo mango cassava starch citric acid sodium alginate minimal processing

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