Avaliação da utilização dos recursos do fundo constitucional de financiamento do norte no estado de Roraima


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the use of resources for the Constitutional Fund for North Financing in the State of Roraima, from 2004 to 2008. We analyzed the available resources for the region and the effectiveness of their usage, before the appointed potential of the 15 municipalities which compose Roraima geopolitics. We investigated why a state that resents so much of wherewithal to invest in activities with capacity to promote its development, relinquishes significant amounts, such as those that have been made available over the five years covered by this survey. The informations that ballasted this study were obtained from various sources. The specific aids to evaluate the use of the wherewithal from the Constitutional Fund for the North Financing were obtained from the Bank of Amazonia, in Belém, both in its library, through books and consulted reports, as from the operational support management ¿ GESOP through worksheets consolidating data regarding the contracted funding during the period under review, by sector level, activities and benefited municipalities all over the State. The theoretical support of this work was enriched by the ideas about the vicious circle of poverty, the theory of unequal development, the theory of poles of economic growth, the export base theory and the economic basis theory, this one giving basement to the study due to being appropriated for utilization, considering that the underdeveloped regions, besides the variable export, also count on other exogenous variables such as loans and risk capital, payment of facts and government transfers. The conclusion was that the state of Roraima hasn¿t been using the total volume of the wherewithal from FNO. Only 25% of the available amount, that is, R$ 163 million from the R$ 666 million allocated for use by producers and entrepreneurs were effectively applied. The state municipalities, all with potential for developing the agriculture and livestock, used a small part of the resources from FON. It was found that from the resources of FNO who remained in Roraima, the city of Boa Vista had absorbed 37%, the City of Bonfim 16%, the cities of Alto Alegre and Iracema, with 14% each and Caracaraí, Cantá and Mucajaí, with 13% each, from all the total disbursed funds during the period. The city of Pacaraima had no contracted financing and Uiramutã, in Raposa Serra do Sol reservation, received, over the five years researched, financings that reached just the total amount of R$ 88 thousand Reais, which is unimpressive. The causes that contributed for the non-fulfillment of the goals expected by the Bank of Amazonia for Roraima are directly related to the following events: lack of physical presence of the Bank in the cities (there aren¿t bank agencies in 87% of the cities), the unsolved land issue, making it difficult to conclude contracts with people who still hasn¿t got the definitive titles of their lands; centralization of the power to decide the operations outside the state; the lack of good projects; excess of bureaucracy in the projects appraisement; the delay in attending the loans and financing applications and the lack of management capacity, initiative and knowledge of potential credit applicants.


roraima desenvolvimento regional regional development financiamento financing resources from constitutional fund for north financing políticas públicas economia regional fno

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