Avaliação da satisfação de usuários de imóveis residenciais: uma comparação entre incorporação pública e privada em Belém / Evaluation of the satisfaction of users of residential property: a comparison between public and private incorporation in BelÃm




This dissertation evaluates and analyses the level of satisfaction of users in residential developments relating to the production and the use of buildings taking into consideration the correlation between the product and socio-economic profiles of residents, as well as patterns of residential mobility process and attributes which determine decision taking by users when choosing new housing. It presents the results of field work based on research designed with references to the âMethod of Evaluation of the Level of Satisfaction of Residential Estates Clientsâ proposed by Jobim (1997) and to Post Occupancy Evaluation techniques, applied in two housing development companies, one public and another private, both involved in qualification programs. The survey consisted of interviews with directors of both companies, the application of questionnaires and interviews with owners of apartments of a development built by the private company and two others built by public company. These methods were used in order to guide the assessment of satisfaction of a) attendance services provided by the companies; b) the quality of the building and, c) the quality of residential units. As results it was found that there was a reduction in the number of unsatisfactory items in relation of the most recent development built by the public company in relation to oldest, however, with more advantage when compared to the private company case because of factors related to users expectations found in the field work.


construção civil - avaliação post-occupancy evaluation satisfação do consumidor real property quality of products residential mobility satisfação residencial engenharia civil residential satisfaction building, quality of products mobilidade residencial. construção civil - controle de qualidade bens imóveis - avaliação consumer satisfaction avaliação pós-ocupação qualidade dos produtos - avaliação building, evaluation

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