Avaliação da satisfação de consumidores : um estudo de caso




This project has as a goal study in details the afier sales quality program adopted by a company in the commercial car industry. As a study done upon a market completely based in advanced information technology, the development of a theoretical, practical and conclusive structure about the main aspect ofthe programs was made possible. The focus on the quality organization of the company, the systematic of data collecting, the training given to staff members, the statistical treatment of data, the tracking methodology and the actions taken ftom the results obtained are the main components of this project. The methodology adopts cases of the plant - involves a company, leader in the commercial vehicle segment in Brazil and reflects the contemporary preoccupations with quality of the services and the satisfaction ofthe costumers. The richness of details here mentioned is a result of the familiarity of the author with the program, in the quality of researcher/consuItant. The statistics of about the commercial vehicles segment her detailed make it possible for a vision in the importance of road transportation as well as the costumers satisfaction about the local challenges and the localization. The project concludes that the investment done by this company in the quality program motivates - via rewards - the concessionary net to act in prevention of diminishing failures in the services, thus beneficing the final costumer. It works also, as stimulus to alI employees in the organization for it is about a project directly connected to the presidency of the company in which alI resuIts are transformed in pecuniary benefits for alI


contribuição de melhoria gestão da qualidade total satisfação do consumidor vendas especiais comercio varejista

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