Avaliação da qualidade do leite pasteurizado produzido e comercializado no estado do Paraná, Brasil, no período de março/2005 a setembro/2007




Milk is a food of high nutritional value and important role in national economy. It is also susceptible to tampering and contamination, which makes quality monitoring a necessity, to ensure an adequate final product both to the consumer and industry. During the period between March 2005 and September 2007, 252 samples of pasteurized milk produced and commercialized in Paraná State were collected from dairy plants and local commerce. 190 (77.2%) from 246 samples showed alterations in at least one physicochemical value and 68 (55.3%) of 123 samples on the microbiological quality. 252 samples were analyzed for the presence of β-lactam, tetracycline and gentamicin (SNAP® test), streptomycin and neomycin (ELISA), presenting positivity of 5 (2.0%), 60 (23.8%), 4 (1.6%), 7 (2.8%) and 25 (9.9%), respectively. This shows that the samples analyzed were beyond quality standards, indicating errors during milk production steps.


leite - qualidade laticínios - microbiologia antibióticos - resíduos milk quality milk products - microbiology

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