"Avaliação da prevalência da asma e dos fatores de risco associados em escolares de 6 a 7 anos na região oeste da cidade de São Paulo" / Evaluation of the asthma prevalence and risk factors associated in school children from 6 to 7 years in the west area of the city of São Paulo




Phase III of ISAAC study in the west area São Paulo city, with the aim to evaluate the prevalence of asthma, related symptoms and risk factors in school children from 6 to 7 years old, using written questionnaires in 3312 students and complementary questionnaires in 561. The asthma prevalence in the last year was higher when compared to the medical diagnosis. The prevalence of the symptoms related to the severity of the asthma also was higher in comparison with the data of the ISAAC study. After logistic regression, the risk factors associated to the asthma were: male gender, rhinoconjunctivitis, eczema in characteristic areas and mother smoking in the first year of the child s life


asma/epidemiologia child fatores de risco risk factors criança questionários students asthma/epidemiology questionnaires estudantes

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