Avaliação clinica do efeito de associação triclosan-gantrez-zinco na formação da placa dental e no desenvolvimento da gengivite experimental




The purpose of this study was to compare the antiplaque and antigingivitis activity of three commercially available 8razilian dentifrices containing Triclosan with that of a placebodentifrice without Triclosan. A double blind, cross over clinical study was conducted on 25 dental students during a 21-day period without toothbrushing, bya partial mouth experimental mode!. Subjects were stratified by their whole mouth baseline plaque ( PI ), gingivitis ( GI ) and bleeding ( 81 ) index scores, and then randomly assigned to one of four dentifrices using groups. Undiluted test or placebo dentifrices were applied to the experimental teeth via toothshield. The incremental changes from baseline were subjected to statistical analysis using the standard two-sample Student t-test the "Cross Over" designo The results shówed that at the day 21, Triclosan Gantrez, Triclosan-Zn, and Placebo dentifrices did not provide statistically significant differences among their PI, GI and 81. H oweve r, Triclosan-Gantrez-Zn dentifrice was statistically different from the others, offering the lowest scores. It was concluded that the Triclosan-Gantrez-Zn dentifrice offered the best clinical results on providing the higher reduction of in either supragingival plaque accumulation and experimental gingivitis development ( p


placas dentarias dentes - cuidado e higiene dentifricio gengivite

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