AvaliaÃÃo do Projeto SÃo JosÃ: discurso e prÃtica nos subprojetos de mecanizaÃÃo no MunicÃpio de Jardim - CE / Project Appraisal San Jose: discourse and practice in the subprojects of mechanization in the City of Gardens - CE


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The phenomenon of participation in public policy, begins to take shape in the 1950s, when installed in Brazil, the consumer trend and practices of community development that initially appear as a means of effecting the policy of modernization. Manifesting itself more strongly from the 1960s. As if that were showing the contradictions of the housing areas were formed in space for popular mobilization and organization, to meet consumption requirements formulated by industrialization. Based on this understanding this study focused on the purpose of evaluating the participatory strategy Project SÃo Josà of Agricultural Mechanization in the city of Jardim in the State of CearÃ. As such, it posed the question: The project includes SÃo Josà in the process of formulating and implementing the concepts of holding referred to in your strategy? In this sense, through a qualitative approach, and the use of quantitative-oriented and quality was initiated research work which was conducted in eight local farmers. The research was conducted with 113 farm families and 15 staff representatives from institutions / entities. The evaluation result suggests that participation in the SÃo Josà Project is not effective in all its stages, a fact only identified at the time of release of funds by signing the agreement (Association and State). Yet still indicates limitations with regard to the degree of awareness, social organization and training of persons involved in the program.


ciencias humanas participaÃÃo projeto sÃo josà desenvolvimento de comunidade participation sÃo josà project development of community programa sÃo josà de mecanizaÃÃo agrÃcola â jardim (ce) desenvolvimento rural â mecanizaÃÃo - jardim (ce) planejamento rural â jardim (ce) desenvolvimento regional - jardim (ce) comunidade rural â mecanizaÃÃo - jardim (ce) desenvolvimento comunitÃrio â jardim (ce) agricultura familiar â jardim (ce) agricultura â mecanizaÃÃo - jardim (ce) agricultura e estado - jardim (ce)

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