AvaliaÃÃo de tÃcnicas diagnÃsticas de lesÃo de cÃrie proximal: raio X, transiluminaÃÃo com radiaÃÃo infravermelho prÃximo e tomografia por coerÃncia Ãptica




This work was organized in the form of scientific papers to be sent to international journals, specializing in the interface between Physics and Biomedical Dentistry, preceded by an introduction to the topic and literature review. The review of literature in electronic databases, international research on the complexity of advanced methods for early diagnosis of caries, clarify techniques that evaluate optical properties of laser-tissue interactions, such as transillumination (TI, acronym in English) with near infrared (NIR, English acronym), and by optical coherence tomography (OCT). According to evaluate the techniques in full, this work resulted in three articles that present the first assembly of the optical system and optical evaluation of the resolution and the sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of early caries. The first article, entitled the "Evaluation of Near-Infrared Transillumination System for Early Caries Detection", to be sent to the Journal of Biomedical Optics, is an analysis of the spatial resolution of the system of Near Infrared transillumination with making it possible to affirm the possibilities and limitations of the art on display in a minor injury of caries, clarify how the interference of light propagation in tissue in different thicknesses of enamel. This initial test was essential to define the methodology used. The results showed a preview of caries and quantitatively proved that the resolution of the system is not a limiting factor. The second article entitled, "Evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of NIR TI and x Ray Images of noncavitated caries lesions," which will be forwarded to Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, has continued the evaluation of the technique. A total of 28 images, for healthy teeth and white patches on surfaces initial proximal, were performed by the technique of transillumination with near infrared and the conventional x ray scanned. The images were evaluated by specialists in Dental Radiology, on the sensitivity and specificity, the result proved the effectiveness of transillumination when compared to x ray, commonly used in daily clinical practice. As a result, it was shown that the sensitivity of transillumination is two times better than the x ray while the specificity was similar in both cases. The third article, entitled "Characterization of deciduous teeth enamel in teeth by Optical Coherence Tomography: in vitro comparison between 850nm and 1280nm," which will be sent for publication in the International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry, evaluated by the application of optical coherence tomography in primary teeth compared the histological sections and optical microscopy as gold standard. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of OCT viewing with optical quality changes occurring in the tissue in a process of demineralization. It also proved that the system with a wavelength of 1280nm presented in greater depth of penetration in enamel when compared to 850nm of the differences of the coefficient of scattering and absorption. In general, it appears that in the near infrared transillumination and OCT have great potential to be used in clinical practice by providing early diagnosis and, consequently, the establishment of prophylactic and preventive methods to control or reverse the carious process


near infra-red transillumination transiluminaÃÃo com infra-vermelho prÃximo diagnÃstico cÃrie precoce odontologia tomografia por coerÃncia Ãptica early caries diagnosis optical coherence tomography

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