AvaliaÃÃo da interface dente/restauraÃÃo no esmalte dental utilizando-se a tÃcnica de tomografia por coerÃncia Ãptica e os mÃtodos tradicionais




The integrity of tooth/restoration interface is very important for the success of dentistry treatment. The evaluation of this site can be done using visual and tactile inspection, which can be helped by the use of radiographic exams. These diagnosis methods, however may not show all the information needed for a final and sound diagnosis. For this reason, alternative techniques have been proposed as auxiliar diagnosis methods in Odontology. This dissertation describes the use of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) as an Odontology method to evaluate the tooth/restoration interface at the dental enamel. Five extracted human molars were used in the research. One of which was restored by the standard way, while in the other samples a gap of ~ 50μm was purposely left at the tooth/restoration interface. The OCT system built for this research was based on Michelson Interferometer and on a wideband light source. A Titanium-sapphire laser was the light source that was employed operating at 800 nm, allowing 10 μm axial resolution and 32 μm lateral resolution. The results were captured as bidimensional images. Bu using the OCT technique in the mentioned system, it was possible to identify and place the exact location of the restoration failure in the tooth, also making quantitative analysis possible, which were not achievable before, by using the conventional methods alone. The research showed that OCT is a high-resolution technique and can become an important diagnosis method for Odontology


tomografia por coerÃncia Ãptica fissures dentÃstica restauradora fendas odontologia operative dentistry optical coherence tomography

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