(Auto)biografias na formação de docentes: entre concepções educativas e procedimentos de avaliação




Several government programs for teachers formation in Brazil have included the writing of (auto)biographical narratives as part of their pedagogic proposal. This study aims at answering to three questions: what theoretic-methodological concepts establish the use of autobiographical narratives in the formation of adults; what political logic guides the use of narratives in government programs for teachers formation and what evaluation procedures are adopted concerning the expected objectives of formation. A careful analysis of the bibliography has been done on the three fields of study. Life histories and (auto)biographical methods on the formation of adults, the policies in teachers formation in Brazil and evaluation and regulation procedures of learning. The work accomplished focused on establishing connections between these fields, making it possible to contextualize the use of (auto)biographical narratives according to changes of social regulations. The study is concluded with a validation of the importance of the pondering on the establishment of evaluation procedures as a device that supports situational regulation and joint regulation in the use of (auto)biographical narratives in the current context of formulation and implementation of government programs of teachers formation.


educação teses políticas públicas educação de adultos professores formação profissional

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