âTu me acostumbrastesâ: como Alberto Fuguet repensou o legado do boom de Gabriel GarcÃa Marquez




This dissertation starts a mapping of contemporary hispanic-american literature, trying to understand how the new writers deal with the inheritance of the main name of the 1960 s "boom", Prize Nobel winner Gabriel GarcÃa MÃrquez. We decided centering the analysis of this new literary generation on the proposals written by chilean authors Alberto Fuguet and Sergio GÃmez for the McOndo preface, an anthology organized by them. This preface preached against the magical realism and asked the new authors to write thinking about a global market, without any latin-american cliche. Firstly, the dissertation tryed to find out the many meanings behind Macondo, an utopian city created by Gabriel GarcÃa MÃrquez as an resource to recreate the history of Hispanic America. After that, we tryed to understand how and why Macondo served as starting point for Fuguet and GÃmez s critical article about the "boom" generation. Our dissertation also understood that the literary generation, launched in the 1990 s, suffered a direct impact from the latin-american dictatorships of the last decades. Therefore, this work decided to map how the ditatorial process lived by Chile was treated by these authors. Our choice for this analysis was Baixo astral, first novel by Alberto Fuguet, that anticipated the proposals of the McOndo to insert hispanic-american literature in the global market of the 1990 s


literaturas classicas literatura hispano-americana identidade cultural hispanic-american literature cultural identity

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