Atividades aquaticas para crianças portadoras de deficiencias : uma proposta de adaptação ao meio-liquido




This search aims at elaborating a proposal of aquatic activities for children with disabilities along with normal children, propitiating the adaptation to the water basead on existent smooth theorical and on our practice. In order to do the accomplishment of this research we select four children with disabilities: one boy and one girl along Down s syndrome; two boys along with cerebral palsy and three normal boys. This study presented as one of its characteristics the social inclusion of disabilitie personal by the participation of disabilitie children with the nonnal children. As pre-requisites we had the children parents (FM) participation and no previores participation in a program of aquatic activities. The classes were given in eigth months and the results were observed through video and annotations in cards . We use the qualitative search through a case study , as the methodological approach. The results showed that the participation of normal children along with disabilities and their respective parents (FM) is na interpersonal dynamics that we believe to be important to process of the social inclusion of the disabilitie children. As result it s possible to mention the crossing by the proposed steps by normal children as well as by the disabilitie children, showing the viability of the proposed method. We conclude that it was possible to elaborate a program of aquatic activities for disabilitie children along with normal children since that we respect the individuality of every one


educação especial natação para deficientes educação fisica para deficientes deficientes

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