Associação entre o perfil lipidico e a densidade mineral ossea em mulheres menopausadas




The objectives of this study were to evaluate the association between lipidic profile variables and bone mineral density (BMD) and whether these variables could be used as an indicator for bone mass in postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women without any risk factors for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, and without hormone replacement therapy, who attended the Menopause Outpatient Clinic of the University of Campinas, during the year of 1995 were selected for this study. Serum measuares of total cholesterol, high and low density lipoprotein were prospevtively performed, and bone mass was evaluated by densitometry of lumbar spine and femur using a Lunar-DPX. Data analysis were performed using 8tudent t test, multiple regression and diagnostic validation test. The mean age was 52 years old (SD=4,7) and mean time afier menopause was 4 years (SD=3,2). There was not association between lipidic profile variables and bone mineral density, except to high density lipoprotein (HDL), which showed a inverse correlation, i.e., the higher levels of HDL were associated with bone mass decrease (p=0,001). Multiple regression showed that total cholesterol levels higher than 240 mg% had a positive association with BMD (p=0,026); and also the ratio between LDL and HDL (Castelli 2 index) showed a negative association with BMD (p=0,002). The diagnostic validatiora test showed that ali lipidic profile variables had low sensitivity and specificity as an indicator for osteoporosis. The conclusions are that lipidic profile variables did not show a significant association with bone mass and they could not be used as an indicator for bone mineral density


osteoporose sistema cardiovascular - doenças menopausa

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