Densidade mineral ossea em mulheres pre-menopausadas usuarias de acetato de medroxiprogesterona como metodo anticoncepcional




Over the last few decades, there was an increase in human life expectancy and consequently osteoporosis became a major public health problem. It is well established that osteoporosis, particularly in women, is a consequence of an hypo-estrogenic states. Depo-medroxiprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is a contraceptive method used by millions of women throughout the world. DMPA acts primarily through suppression of ovulation by inhibiting hypotalamic-pituitary secretion which leads to a hypo-estrogenic condition. Since the relationship between DMPA and bane mass density (BMD) still remains unclear, we decided to undertake this retrospective cohorte study, in arder to test the possible effect of this contraceptive method on BMD in pre-menopausal women. The study included 100 women 34 years of age ar older, who had therefore already achieved the peak bane mass, but who were not yet menopaused. Half of these women had used DMPA for at least one year. The other fifty women had not used any hormonal contraceptive method for more than 5 months over the course of their lives. Statistical analysis, using Student s t test and logistic regression, showed that women, who had used DMPA for at least one year, had lower BMD than women who had never used this contraceptive method. These findings are important because DMPA users may constitute a risk group for osteoporosis, and thereforeso these women must be informed about this possible risk. Furthermore, DMPA users that have other risk factors for osteoporosis,should undergo periodic screening for osteoporqsis, such as bane mass densitometry


densitometria medroxiprogesterona anticoncepcionais

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