Assistência de enfermagem à mulher no ciclo gravídico-puerperal: a realidade de Araraquara/SP / Nursery assistance to the woman in the puerperal pregnancy cycle: the reality of Araraquara/SP.




The attention to prenatal and childbirth by qualified staff is fundamental to achieve a reduction in rates of maternal and neonatal mortality. The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) determines the knowledge and the abilities which a qualified professional must have in order to provide women with healthy care, during all phases of the Reproductive cycle. This study aimed to recognize the reality of the attendance offered by the professional of nursery in attention to prenatal and childbirth, in the city of Araraquara (SP).Objectives: Characterize the professionals of nursery who act in attention to prenatal and childbirth, as well as analyse the essential competences developed by them concerning this practice. Methodology: A descriptive study, with qualitative approach, whose data were collected through structured interviews with professionals of nursery and non-participative systematic observation of essential competences in Obstetrics. The studied population was composed by 42 Nursery professionals: 32 acting in attention to prenatal and 10 in attention to childbirth. Concerning attention to prenatal, 44 receptions at the unit, 28 pre consults and 44 post consults, besides 44 gestants in waiting room and 44 gestants in medical consult room were observed. Regarding attention to childbirth, 15 admissional obstetric evaluations, 18 in labours, 11 vaginal deliveries, 9 immediate post deliveries and 11 neonatal receptions were observed. Results: Concerning attention to prenatal, the profile of the professionals reveals a female staff (96, 9%), over 41 years old (65, 6%), living a stable marriage (50%), having had the experience of having children (68, 7%), with colour of skin declared as being white (71, 9%), having worked with Health for more than 10 years (59, 4%) and having had less than 10 years of professional graduation at the highest level of qualification (62, 5%). The average of working hours was 39, 4 hours per week, 85% have just one job, the average of the salary for the professionals of a middle level from Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) corresponds to 43, 9% of the average of nurses payment, whereas from Programa de Saúde da Famíla (PSF) it corresponds to 58, 5%; 66, 7% of the nurses have post graduation latu sensu in Public Health; we havent found nurses who specialized in Obstetrics. Regarding essential competences, nurses do not accompany prenatal at USB and at PSF such practice occurs eventually. The attendance is focused on the doctors leading role, there is discreet nurse participation and the essential abilities determined by ICM have stopped to be developed. Concerning attention to childbirth, the profile of the professionals reveals a female staff (100%), with 36, 6 years old on average, living a stable marriage (60%), having had the experience of having children (70%) and with colour of skin declared as being white (70%). The average of working hours was 46, 8 hours per week, 80% of the nurses have two jobs and the average of the salary for the professionals of a middle level corresponds to 39, 3% of the average of nurses payment. All the nurses have specialized in Obstetrics and 80% have between 1 to 4 years of graduation after that. Their experience in attention to childbirth, on average, is comprised of 14 years and six months and, for the professionals of a middle level, it consists of three years and a month. Regarding essential competences, the obstetric nurse is in charge of the admissional obstetric evaluation, the accompaniment to in labour and realization of the childbirth. Many of the essential abilities in Obstetrics, determined by ICM, have stopped to be developed or have been underdeveloped. Conclusion: During attention to prenatal, there is a lack of qualified staff, whereas the model of attention to childbirth prioritises professional qualification. Many of the essential competences in attention to prenatal and childbirth determined by ICM are no longer being carried out or are incomplete. The study reveals the necessity of reorganization of the assistance to prenatal and childbirth, in order to achieve a reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality as well as the incidence of unnecessary cesarean birth in the city.


qualified attention enfermagem obstétrica childbirth competência profissional obstetric nursery professional competence atenção qualificada parto

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