Aspectos clinicos e morfologicos da pancreatite cronica em uma serie de 320 pacientes




With the purpose to describe clinical aspects, complications, morphological alterations and associations with others disease, were investigated a series ofthe 320 patients with diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis between 1978 and 1994. Of them, 294 (91,9%) were males and 26 (8,1 %) females, with mean age at diagnosis of 40.9 :t 9.7 years. Criteria for diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis included at least one of the following: (a) pancreatic calcifications, (b) abnormalities in the pancreatic duct by endoscopic retrograde pancreatography and (c) histological findings of chronic pancreatitis. Of the 320 cases, 295 (92.2%) were attributed to alcohol, 19 (6.0%) were idiopathic, 2 (0.6%) hyperlipidemia, 2 (0.6%) cystic fibrosis and 2 (0.6%) trauma. Ofthe 295 patients presenting with alcoholism, alcQholic consumption was characterized by: a) mean age of onset of drinking was 18. O :t 4.4 years; b) mean age of the appearance of clinical symptoms was 37,7 years; c) mean value daily intake of alcohol was 208.7 :t 82,3 gld of ethanol; d) mean value of the duration of alcoholism was 19.6:t 7.5 years, and d) alcoholic beverage more commonly consumed was a kind of liquor, the cane-spirit alcohol. The principal clinical features observed were represented by: abdominal pain 280 (87.5%), weight loss 279 (87.2%), steatorrhea 106 (33,1%) and diabetes 122 (38,1%). Abdominal pain was the most frequent presenting symptom, being the chief complaint in 225 (70,3%) af our patients. The clinical complications ocurred in 175 (54.6%) patients.The main complications observed were represented by: pancreatic cysts 129 (40.3%), jaundice 66 (20.6%), ascites and/or pleural effusion 19 (5.9%), hemorrhage due to pancreatic origin 16 (5.0%), splenic vein thrombosis 14 (4.4%) and duodenal obstruction 6 (1.8%). I Calcifications detected by ultrasonography were observed in 200 ofthe 320 cases (62.5%). I There was a positive association between pancreatic calcification and pancretic insuficiency. Of the 167 patients that were performed endoscopic retrograde pancreatography, in 10 (5.9%) was found pancreas divisum and marked radiological alterations were found in 130 (78.0%). Endoscopic retrograde colangiography was performed in 142 patient and was observed common bile duct stenosis in 65 (45.7%). Associations of chronic pancreatitis with other diseases also were investigated: peptic ulcers 44 of 260 (16.7%) patients that was performed upper digestive endoscopy, cholelithiasis 41 (12.8%), liver cirrhosis 3 of the 54 (5.0%) patients that was performed liver biopsy, renal stone 10 (3.1%) and tuberculosis 24 (7.5%). Neoplasia ofpancreas ocurred in 1 (0.3%) of . . Ipatients and extra pancreatic malignancy in 9 (2.8%). 153 patients were submited to the surgi cal procedures. The most common indication was intractable pain


pancreatite alcoolismo doenças cronicas

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