As taxas de juros praticadas nas operaÃÃes de microcrÃdito : um dos elementos da inadimplÃncia e inviabilidade do segmento das microfinanÃas




The goal of this dissertation was to demonstrate the existing relation between the practiced taxes of interests in the operations of concessions of the microcredit and those practiced by the financial market of the free credit, destined the operations of direct credit to the consumer, count-guaranteed of the legal people and with guaranteed checks of the physical people, in the direction to confirm the contribution of these taxes of interests as a factor of unfeasibility of the operations of microcredit, as well as for the increase of the insolvency in the same operations. The focus of the study was directed for the credit market and for the diverse institutions of microcredit existing in Brazil. For the intention, it focused the operations of credit carried through in the period of the two last years disposed by the Brazilian Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil), contemplating a comparative analysis between the current taxes practiced by the commercial banking institutions, in the free credit, and the institutions of microcredit that act in Brazil, subordinated or not them rules of the National Financial System (Sistema Financeiro Nacional) of responsibility of the Brazilian Central Bank. The study`s conclusion was that the dimensions of the taxes of interests used in the microcredit in Brazil were inadequate, and consequently, the study confirmed that they are the main contributing factor for debts and insolvency for the small businesses in the country, as well as the main obstacle for the credit to play a role as an agent for social development


administracao publica microcrÃdito, taxas de juros, spreads bancÃrio, inadimplÃncia e microfinanÃas microcredit, taxes of interest spread, debts and insolvency, and, small finance

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