As sociedades de canto da região de Blumenau no início da colonização alemã (1863-1937) / The singing societies of the Blumenau region at the beginning of the german colonization (1863-1937)




At the beginning of the German colonization in the region of Blumenau (SC), one of the main cultural manifestations of the immigrants were the singing societies, consisting of male choirs which sang secular repertoires. The activity of these societies was intense since the first years of the foundation of the Blumenau Colony until the prohibition of the cultural manifestations of the Germans in Brazil, with the Campaign of Nationalization instituted by the Brazilian Federal Government in 1937. Based on textual documents, both manuscripts and printed, such as statutes, proceedings, correspondences, reports, periodicals, as well as photographs and songbooks, the purpose of this work is to clarify the role of these groups in the diffusion of the local cultural movement and its contributions to the perpetuity of this tradition, which still exists today. Despite the process of acculturation and assimilation of new cultural values which emerged from the contact of German immigrants with the Brazilian culture, some elements were maintained, such as the associative spirit of the immigrants and the preservation of the German language in the songs. This contributed to a current tendency of the descendants of German immigrants in the region to preserve the culture of the first colonists, reflected in the associative, cultural activities and in the promotion of several events connected to the German culture


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