As narrativas dos capitães do asfalto: contos, cantos e desventuras de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua e risco social / As narrativas dos capitães do asfalto: contos, cantos e desventuras de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua e risco social




This study presents the results obtained from research regarding the effects of storytelling on street children and adolescents at social risk. As an initial working hypothesis, I considered the possibility of using storytelling as an instrument to produce subjectivities and psychosocial knowledge about the participants to aid them in handling the risks associated with their lifestyle. To develop this research, I used as a reference concepts from literary theory and psychoanalysis. With these ideas in mind, I was gratefully afforded the opportunity to identify another type of knowledge generated by the participants describing their experiences, life histories and music, specifically rap, which makes up the corpus of this study. This interdisciplinary project deals with ethical issues in the search for answers to deep seated social problems, permeated by historic, political and economic factors. In writing this paper, I have emphasized the voices of these subjects to better articulate knowledge that will help to minimize the harm to which these captains of the asphalt are exposed.


letras contos populares crianças e adolescentes narrativa

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