As margens na literatura : uma analise discursiva de versos marginais / The margins of literature : a discoursive analysis of marginal poems




In the Portuguese dictionary, the entry "marginal" ("outcast") indicates, in its definition, different manners of placing a person outside society or the law. "It is said of a person who lives on the margins of society or the law...". The margin, which defines the space, isolates that which is inside (society, the laws) and excludes that which is outside ("o marginal" or the outcast). To be "marginal", in this sense, is to be outside society and its laws. However, when facing the opacity of the meanings formulated in the dictionary we find the conjunctions "like" or "as" which connects (separating) the multiplicity of the meanings of the word "marginal" ("it is said of person who lives on the margins of society") with the limiting restriction of conformity or of comparison: "like a vagabond, beggar or delinquent". The defense of legitimacy in the use of the designation "Literatura Marginal" carried out by Ferréz and observed in the analysis of the periodicals Caros Amigos/Literatura Marginal suggests other meanings for marginality, that is, other forms to be outside society and its laws, which DO NOT mean necessarily, to be a "vagabond", "beggar" or "delinquent", which is also observed in the "Poesia Marginal" of the 70s. Trying to understand how, through the poetic meaning, the marginality is formulated, - becoming even, in its connection to literature, a symbolic object fought for - the analysis of the poems collected from the anthologies Literatura Marginal: Talentos da escrita periférica (2005) (Marginal Literature: Talents of the peripheral writing), organized by Ferréz and 26 poetas Hoje (1976) (26 Poets Today), by Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda. In the comparison between these two poetic productions, marked equally by the designation of "marginal", we ask about what is repeated in them, what produces a difference and why. It is in this game between the marginality of the 70s and the current marginality that other possibilities of "marginal" meaning appear, indicating thus - beyond the senses of "vagabond", "beggar" or "delinquent" - the resistance of the subjects in / for the poetry of the language


resistance literatura marginal poesia resistencia discourse analysis marginal literature poetry analise do discurso

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