As incapacidades auditivas e o handicap de trabalhadores portadores de Pair e de suas esposas




The aim of this study was to analyse the hearing disabilities in the work environment, family and social life; the hearing strategies and the handicap of three workers with noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) and the handicap of their wives. The three workers and their wives were submited to an open interview which was taped and transcribed. The workers reported that the main hearing disabilities were: difficulty in understaningd speech during a conversation, watching TV and in listening speech in noise environments. The main handicaps were: feeling of anxiety and nervous during communicative situations, mainly, with unknown people, and worries with the impossibility of finding a new job. The wives related their handicap with the fact that they, constantly, have to use strategies to improve the effectiveness of their husband s communication


trabalhador -- efeitos do ruido na audicao reabilitação reabilitacao na pair handicap perda auditiva provocada por ruido audiologia transtornos da audicao ruido -- efeitos fisiologicos incapacidades auditivas fonoaudiologia

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