As entonações de algumas metaforas cortazarianas : em torno da fotografia e do ato de narrar / Intonations in some cortazarian metaphors : on photography and the narrative act




This work aims at identifying the reading possibilities in Cortázar s works, based on an important aspect of the author?s path: his commitment not only to fiction, but also to literary criticism. From Cortázar s poetics regarding short stories, it is possible to identify metaphors and similes created in order to define the literary genre and to address the narrative act. Such metaphors assume several intonations throughout the author s work, configuring not only the recurrence of themes which is present in essays and narratives, but also the traces of contamination of fictional writings and critiques. The references to photography and to jazz as parameters for the literary construction are the object of analysis in essays that assume some fictional traces and constitute narrative motifs in short stories which span the dimension of criticism. Cortázar s short novels assume the critical discourse in its own structure, questioning the narrative act; the essays, many times, adopt an argumentative strategy based on the constitution of an image and resort to the anecdotal; the texts that compose the "almanac" books shift between fiction, autobiography and essay. Therefore, the comparison between short story and photography, which is discussed in "Algunos aspectos del cuento" (1962), had already been turned into fiction in the short story entitled "Las babas del diablo" (1959) and is discussed again in "Apocalipsis de Solentiname" (1977) and in "Ventanas a lo insólito" (1978); in "Las babas Del diablo" and "Diário para um cuento", Cortázar is in the quest for a language that is not automated, and such quest is also present in the essay "Para una poética" (1954); the analogy principle shown in "Para una poética" reaches its highest point with the concept of figure - a new form of perception of reality and effect which Cortázar looks for in his short stories -, which is recurrent in "Cristal con una rosa dentro" (1969), a text whose genre cannot be easily defined and that is part of one of Cortázar s "almanac" books; the "takes" proposed in "Melancolía de las maletas" (1967) as literary parameter seem to establish the narrative movement in "Las babas del diablo" and "Diario para un cuento"


literatura argentina ensaios contos ficção argentina - historia e critica cortazar julio argentine literature essay short story argentine fiction

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