As danças do sagrado no profano : transpondo tempos e espaços em rituais de candomble




The objective of the present study is to analyze the manifestation of "dance" through its allusion of sacred and profane, basically updating the mythical model in rituals, aiming retlections about the need of human rebom to the different ways of understanding the world. Due to the need of deeper studies, we have excelled the development of bibliographic research combined with field research. At first we ve discussed matters conceming the fragmentation and totality, dance, rituals, myth and its interlacement, the condition of sacred and profane of dance, afro-Brazilian dance, candomblé " ritual dance and myth of time-space . At second we aimed at configuring the field research through the scenery of the terreiro in Campinas City. Therefore we used ritual dancers, surpassing the actualization of their dance models and their behavior. Therefore we could observe that those dance models are updated through the gesture representation of the orixás and that the knowledge is acquired during a slow process of initiation and obligation with religion. The orixás are revived at modem society through the same Iegends, the same gestures and needs of consecration. It is possible to find differences from one terreiro to the other, but the typical gestures of each orixá remains the same in its nature, as well as the major feeling that leads men and women to an united existence. At last we ve tried to interlace dance and its relation with sacred and with education. Our goal was to think over a human rebom and an education of those rituals through the experience transposal of the ritual field to the educational one. Specially through the understanding of the dança dos orixás as one of the most important themes to be studied, due to the richness of its gestures, myths and culture


candomble ritos e cerimonias mito dança

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