As construções com o verbo leve "dar" e nominalizações em -ada no portugues do brasil




This dissertation analyzes the syntactic and semantic properties of light verb constructions (LVCs) in Brazilian Portuguese. In particular, I study LVCs formed by the the combination of the light verb dar (give) and an -ada nominalization. The analysis of these constructions results from the association of notions internal to the Distributed Morphology model (see Halle &Marantz 1993) to the idea that the internal structures of the eventualities denoted by verbal predicates can decompose in sub-eventualities related by an implicational relation (see Hale &Keyser 1993 and their subsequente work). Differently from various lexicalist works, such as Grimshaw &Mester 1988, who associate LVC formation with lexical processes, assuming the Lexicon to be a grammatical component, I argue in favor of the hypothesis that the predicates in LVCs result from syntactic operations. Thus, I assume a grammar architecture which eliminates our traditional understanding of the Lexicon and distributes its functions to the formal, morphophonologic and semantic components of the grammar. The syntactic operations work with abstract roots, formed by intrinsic features, and define the categorial status of the derived predicates. I identify the intrinsic features of the predicates that occur in LVCs and suggest some functional layers that can check these features in the internal structure of the -ada nominalization. Based on the predicate properties presented both by the light verb and the nominalization, I propose that the LVC is a complex predicate structure that reveals the internal organization of eventualities denoted by linguistic expressions in related sub-event layers like cause and result, for example.


gramatica comparada e geral - locução verbal gramatica comparada e geral - sintaxe lingua portuguesa - lexicografia semantica

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