As configuraÃÃes institucionais na formaÃÃo de parcerias entre o estado, o mercado e as organizaÃÃes da sociedade civil para o desenvolvimento territorial




This dissertation presents a theoretical and methodological proposal to examine the influences of institutional configurations, of organizations belonging to the three sectors of society (the State, Market and Civil Society), in forming partnerships between them in development projects at territorial level. The study takes into account the relationship between territory dynamic, local development, social capital and institutional configurations of organizations. For this, the study from the assumption that development projects that have the purpose of developing economically and socially a given territory and that uses as a principle the formation of partnerships between sectoral organizations, are permeate by complex social processes, where the organizations participating are crossed for various institutions of each social actor, entering the game at the time of formation of partnerships between these actors, influencing these relationships


intersectoral partnerships capital social configuraÃÃes institucionais sociologia social capital institutional configurations parcerias intersetoriais

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