As astúcias de um destinador na Geléia Geral brasileira




We intend with the present work to research how, under a discursive semiotics perspective, the communicational model was conceived by Torquato Neto in the publication Geléia Geral, publicated in the Rio de Janeiros journal A Última Hora. When analyzing the considered speech, we look forward to determine the production conditions of this text in order to better understand what makes it to become so special in its form of communication developed in the pages of the verb and visual vehicle printed type. Attempting to the relations of the subject of enunciation with the speech-statement and the relations which are established between enunciating and enunciatee, Sender and Receiver we discover how the publication changed into a must-to make. A prescription of an enjoyment and consumption of new emergent aesthetic standards in the artistic-cultural production, as expression of a movement resistance delinquent and how it was located parallel to the impositions of the Brazilian military dictatorship, at the beginning of the 70s. This work prioritizes the construction of the identity of the Sender, as element of the problematic narrative, defining it. We observe the Modus Operandi of the relations in the production and transmission of the values invested in the text, of the simulacra creation and the contract recognized and adopted by all a Brazilian generation. Always supported on the studies of the Lithuanian semiotics Algirdas J. Greimas, we base our analyses in consecrated authors as: Eric Landowski, J. Fontanille, Jean M. Floch, Ana Claudia Oliveira, Denis Bertrand, Diana L. P. de Barros e J. L. Fiorin. We believe that the accomplishment of this work represents a contribution to the society and semiotics. Highlighting and valuing a publication of exception in the national media, allowing that a window of understanding opens to an important period of the Brazilian history, by studying a work faced as a transforming vehicle and matrix of a resistance model, instead of one reflected production of a time; moreover, of course, we provide for the semiotics discursive a research object which puts in test its mechanisms of speech analysis


semiótica discursiva simulacrum semiotica simulacro destinador torquato neto -- 1944-1972 enunciação jornalismo enunciation comunicacao geléia geral analise do discurso discursive semiotics sender

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