Artesanato regional: casa do massa barro




The Casa do Massa Barro is an association located in the city of Corumbá-MS, established in October of 1982 (it has 23 years). It is formed by volunteers (Direction and associates). One is about an artisan association, without lucrative ends that were formed with children and youngsters of the region of the Cervejaria. The association is mainly destined the works in ceramics, not excluded, however, other activities correspondent, under the orientation of the ladies Ida Sanches Monaco and Josephina Por Deus da Silva. The main objective is to awake and to stimulate in the children and devoid youngsters of the region, the taste for ceramics and to the artesanato in general. It has a "aspect of social inclusion" to the measure that through the artesanato is proportionate to the children, in a general way, to take off them of the street and the marginality, thus collaborating with the community to giving to an activity and an occupation to them. With the clay the children and adolescents, craftsmen in the entity, shape units with wealth of details: they are figures of tuiuiús, garças white, alligators, capivaras, you plough, Toucans and ounce-paint. The parts are spread out and valued in Brazil and the Europe. It also has the stylish image of San Francisco and the image of Ours Lady of the Pantanal. The social aspect of the artesanato, by making possible the craftsman, better conditions of life and acting against the unemployment, can be considered element of social inclusion, where the craftsman also plays an excellent role in the community and its art is prestige factor. The artesanato encloses, among others, the values social, artistic, pedagogical, cultural and psychological.


social inclusion inclusão social culture sociedade cultura society desenvolvimento local planejamento urbano e regional local development

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