Arqueologia de uma fábrica de ferro : morro de Araçoiaba séculos XVI-XVIII / Iron Factory Archaeology : Araçoiaba Mount: XVI-XVIII centuries




This Thesis has the goal to analyze archaeological research and artifacts found in Afonso Sardinha Archaeological, site located on Mount Araçoiaba, Iperó São Paulo. The analysis result leads to the conclusion that the area corresponds to iron mining field with the presence of Iron Factory evidence, a system that makes use of hydraulic power to move the equipment and tools used in the production and small ovens to melt iron. Besides, the ceramic date (pots and tiles) indicates that mineral digging activities began in the 16th century.


floresta nacional de ipanema archeological site afonso sardinha sitio afonso sardinha ipanema national forest mount araçoiaba-iperó-sp colonial iron production technique arqueologia histórica history archeology morro de araçoiaba-iperó-sp técnica de produção de ferro colonial

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