Argentina, Brasil e Chile e o desafio da reconstrução das agencias nacionais civis de inteligencia no contexto no contexto de democratização




This thesis analyzes the recent refonns of the Brazilian, Argentinean and Chilean civic intelligence services in the context of the South American civic-military relationship issues. The research is based on three different problems: A) The institutional challenge of building effective, efficient and consistent intelligence systems in order to fulfill the demands for security and defense of those countries. How have Latin American civic intelligence services been institutionally planned in the transition and consolidation periods? B) The institutional challenge of designing responsive, consistent and responsible intelligence systems to do what is required by the public democratic controI. Why have the modern means of supervising congress tasks had distinct perfonnances in the control of intelligence activities considering accountability in those countries? C) The professional challenge of structuring flexible, qualified and analytically relevant intelligence systems. How do those countries deal with the professionalization issues related to intelligence systems analysis? What are the most important institutional devices used to evaluate the analytic perfonnance of intelligence services by the national government in each of those countries? The general objectives of the research are to produce knowledge about the role and operations of intelligence systems during processes of democratic consolidation and to increase civil expertise and public awareness about the importance and the dilemmas involved in the perfonnance of intelligence services


serviço de inteligencia latin amercia torture dictators chile national security tortura relações entre civis e militares segurança nacional civil-military relations brazil ditadura e ditadores intelligence service argentine

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