Are you crying or selling tissues? The interdiscursive relations in discourse on work in modern administration: discursive practice in VOCE SA / Voce esta chorando ou vendendo lenço? : as relações interdiscursivas no discurso sobre o trabalho na administração moderna : a pratica discursiva da VOCE SA




The changes that can be observed in discourse today about work relations are constitutive of the transformations occurred in the capitalist process of production which in its essence aims to replace the Taylorist-Fordist model by Toyotism. Thus, from mid-seventies on, the new management for a new political economy has started, which is called flexible capitalism, and brings about profound transformations in the working world. This thesis aims at analyzing the discourse about work relations in business in which this new scenario takes place. The theorethical perspective is the Discourse Analysis, especially considered from the conception of global semantics formulated by Maingueneau (1984) that forsees the integrated treatment of several discourse plans that define a discursive practice. The analyzed data were taken from VOCÊ SA. magazine, a specialized publication of employment and employability being therefore considered in an institutionalized field, fact that implies the acknowledgement of specific material conditionings, peculiar of the mass media style. Analyses show that VOCÊ SA. is aligned to a discursive formation that defends the necessity of profound changes in work relations, including what concerns the constitution of a new subjectivity for professionals. The limits of this discursive formation are inside the capitalist discourse, updated in the prerogatives of neoliberalism and globalization


global semantics analise do discurso work discurse analysis midia trabalho media subjetividade semantica global subjectivity

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