Architecture, imitation and Type in Quatremère de Quincy / Arquitetura, imitação e tipo em Quatremère de Quincy




The work investigates the genesis of the notion of type in the Quatremère de Quincys theory and identifies which is the role of this concept in the systematization of a theory of Architecture. The understanding of notion of type in Quatremère shall be linked to issues regarding the origin of Architecture, to the establishment of an individual disciplinary field and to the outline of principles that define the role of conventions and classical tradition before the invention and genius. Even though the first formulation of the term type in Architecture is correctly attributed to Quatremère de Quincy in the third volume of the Encyclopédie Methodique - Architecture from 1825, it is fundamental to complete the genealogy of ideas and to understand this concept on its ampler scope of his theory of Architecture and Arts. Therefore, the exegesis of three fundamental texts is conducted: De létat de larchitecture Egyptienne (1803); De limitation - essai sur la nature, le but et les moyens de limitation dans les beaux-arts (1823) e Dictionnaire Historique dArchitecture (1832). The latter, a translation to Portuguese was done, from the original text, from some voices that versifies about the theoretical subjects and architetonic principles. In the passage from the XVIII century to the XIX century, before the rising historicism and the romantism, the position of Quatremère is an intransigent defense of the classical ideal in the Académie des Beaux-Arts and the search for lasting principles that save Architecture from what he considers to be abuses. In defining the type he opposed himself against the ones that held, in the most servile manner, to the models and insisted in literal copies. The type kept Architecture away from the abuse of conventions and the abandonment of rules and principles. In this perspective, the historical role of type is the most fecund aspect of a research on the theory of Quatremère.


quatremère de quincy architecture imitação arquitetura quatremère de quincy type tipo

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