Aptidão física relacionada à saúde e hábitos de vida de escolares com e sem Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (TDC) / Health-related physical fitness and lifestyle habits of school children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to investigate the health-related physical fitness and lifestyle habits of school children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Participated in the study 108 school children (36 boys and 72 girls), with mean age of 11,31 years, of a public school from Florianópolis/SC. The instruments used were the motor battery Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition - MABC-2, tests of health-related physical fitness from PROESP-BR and the inventory of Lifestyle in Childhood and Adolescence LCA. The results were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics, adopting a significance level of p<0,05. It was observed in motor assessment 73 (67,6%) students with Typical Motor Development, 24 (22,2%) with Risk of DCD and 11 (10,2%) with Probable DCD. About health criteria for BMI and flexibility, 83,3% and 75,7% students were classified in healthy zone, respectively, with a significant trend of boys in the risk zone for the flexibility test (p=0,043). For the abdominal strength/resistance tended to boys in the risk zone (p=0,004), but in the assessment of cardiorespiratory function no students reached the health criteria. It was found significant association for males in the activities play video game (p=0,001), play ball (p=0,001) and skateboarding (p=0,015), for female was found significant association in the activity go to the movies/shopping (p=0,021). The physical fitness performance of students with and without DCD showed significant differences between boys from groups TMD and probable DCD in the cardiorespiratory function test (p=0,013), with the worst performance being presented by the second one, which was also verified between girls in tests of flexibility (p=0,022) and cardiorespiratory function (p=0,003) for the same groups. In relation to the school children s lifestyle with and without DCD, it was found a significant association of the activity play videogame for the probable DCD group (p=0,002), in other activities the school childrens habits were similar. For future research, it is suggested assessments of factors that, with what was shown in this study, help to better understand the difficulties of motor coordination and, based on this, building proposals of activities that contemplate the reduction of losses in the lives of children and adolescents who have motor difficulties. Among these factors stand out the levels of physical activity, sexual maturation, observation of physical activity as well as activities of daily living. This information can act as support for health actions in school.


escolares hábitos de vida aptidão física transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação desempenho motor educacao fisica developmental coordination disorder motor performance physical fitness lifestyle school children

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