Aprendizado não supervisionado de hierarquias de tópicos a partir de coleções textuais dinâmicas / Unsupervised learning of topic hierarchies from dynamic text collections


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The need to extract new and useful knowledge from large textual collections has motivated researchs on Text Mining methods. Among the existing methods, initiatives for the knowledge organization by topic hierarchies are very popular. In the topic hierarchies, the knowledge is represented by topics and subtopics, and each topic contains documents of similar content. They play an important role in information retrieval, especially in exploratory search tasks, allowing the analysis of knowledge in various levels of granularity and interactive exploration of large document collections. Hierarchical clustering methods have been used to support the construction of topic hierarchies. These methods organize textual collections in clusters and subclusters, in an unsupervised manner, using similarities among documents. However, most existing hierarchical clustering methods is not suitable for scenarios with dynamic text collections, since frequent clustering updates are necessary. Clustering methods that meet these requirements must process new documents that are inserted into textual colections, in general, through incremental clustering. Thus, we studied the incremental clustering methods for unsupervised learning of topic hierarchies for dynamic text collections. The incremental clustering is used to build and update a condensed representation of texts, which maintains a summary of the main features of the data. The hierarchical clustering algorithms are applied in these condensed representations, obtaining the textual organization more efficiently. We experimentally evaluate three incremental clustering algorithms available in the literature. Also, we propose an alternative strategy more appropriate for construction of topic hieararchies. The results indicated that the topic hierarchies construction using incremental clustering have quality similar to non-incremental methods. Furthermore, the computational cost is considerably reduced using incremental clustering methods


agrupamento de documentos document clustering hierarquias de tópicos mineração de textos text mining topic hierarchies

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