Aprender a ensinar para ensinar a aprender a atuação do docente de educação física no ensino fundamental: 1a a 4a série / Learning to teach in order to teach how to learn, Physical Education Teachers role in elementary school: from 1st to 4 th grade




This study was intended to reflect on the Physical Education Teachers role in basic elementary school grades (from the 1st to the 4 th). It was considered that there was a gap in the state of São Paulo between the years 1995 and 2003 when the Physical Education classes were suspended for the first four grades in elementary schools. The aim of this research was to create a new pedagogical policy within references that could change that situation. Trying to make the teachers experiences and knowledge outstand, the present work has a qualitative nature within a theoretical framework focused on cooperative research. The main concern of this work to search how Physical Education teachers con build a group work in which theory an practice could be related in an integrated way. Principles for pedagogical practice on School Physical Education were analyzed since this subject is considered the activity that liberates and promotes the consciousness about the body in motion. The research was carried out in two stages. The first one was based on bibliographic research which offered the organization of the written material in order to provide the theoretical foundation. This bibliographic research was also important to get data about the historical people, government policies and political options that influence the matter of study. The second stage was completely dedicated to case research at the Department of Education in Presidente Prudente. Twenty six Physical education teachers who are teaching in the basic elementary school grades (Ciclo I), one Physical Education teacher who was selected among them, one School District representative, one assistant and one researcher participated in this study research. In order to collect and analyze data we did interviews and watched the study group. This work also evaluated the experiences that teachers faced when trying to improve their teaching strategies. Analyzing and discussing our meetings allowed us to identify some teaching problems and how to deal with them since sharing theoretical knowledge, experiences and practices give meaning to the act of teaching. The meetings were also moments of discoveries that made possible the improvement of teachers self esteem which at the same time motivates us to look for the professional competence and satisfaction that teaching gives us.


cooperative research educação física (primeiro grau) educação teaching strategies aprendizagem physical education ciências humanas ensino

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