The elementary school transition from 4th to 5th grade: a bibliographical summary (1987-2004) / A transição da 4 para a 5 série do ensino fundamental: uma revisão bibliográfica (1987-2004)




The following research mainly aims the analysis of the national scientific production regarding the issue of the scholastic transition from 4th to 5thgrade presented through Masters dissertations and Doctoral theses. More specifically aimed was the identification and analysis of the quantity and length of time as per productions, the graduate level of researchers,regions in the country and institutions where studies originated.Information was collected through the data base of CAPES, whereas defended works from 1987 to 2004 were found. Key words used were: 5thgrade, fifth grade, 5th + grade, transition from 4th to 5th grade, one teacher per grade and diversified teachers per grade, elementary school, transition. 14 Masters dissertations and 2 Doctoral theses were found. The complete works were read and analyzed based on criteria defined by the researcher; and in some cases in which this access was not possible, the analysis considered the available summary in the data base portal.The result of this research demonstrated that the elementary school still deals with the problem of a break or discontinuity between 4th and 5thgrade. Moreover, the existing problems regarding the scholastic day-to-day of these grades, although evident, are barely discussed by teachers and other scholastic agents. The transition from 4th to 5th grade continues being a leap to the unknown, as students take with them expectations and fears rarely treated by scholastic agents. Teachers are therefore faced with numerous challenges. Changes and pedagogical differences between the two grades denounce the fragile aspect found in the educational structure, which appears faulty and not in line with legal determinations


psicologia educacional transição ensino fundamental -- brasil elementary school transition ensino fundamental

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