Aplication of HACCP methodology - hazard analysis and critical control point - as a water reuse tool in the industry: model to the aromatic and fragrancy industry. / Aplicação da metodologia de APPCC - análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle - como ferramenta para reúso de água na indústria: modelo para indústria de aromas e essências.




One of the major problems faced by the food industry is their enormous water consumption is their productive processes. Water conservation and reuse is a real and increasing necessity. This dissertation discusses rational use concepts, industrial water reuse, quality management systems in the condiment sector of the food industry. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop the concept of HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point - as a tool for water reuse in food industries, using the Flavor and Essence of food industry as a case study for total quality management. Presented in this study are the technical data obtained from Givaudan, a food industry located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The analysis of the main productive processes was done in order to identify the water demand and consequently, identify the areas where water reuse alternatives have more chances of being implemented. The major water consuming sectors in the company are the flavor and fragrance, ones especially, with equipment washing operations and utensils used in drying of emulsions and mobile tanks. One sends regards to deal with the effluent one the operation of laundering, later this treated water must be taken to a tank of storage to be reused internally in the first periods of training of laundering and rinses of the driers of the type Spray Dry. Tool APPCC goes to guarantee the quality microbiological physicist-chemistry and of the water. The treatment for this effluent one that it contains high dissolved solid concentration is through reverse osmosis for being a process that goes to allow one high removal of dissolved solids, bacteria and virus. To reduce the water consumption in the company if to consider one reuse externally of not potable water, implanting is installing a station of biological treatment to adjust effluent the proceeding one from the area of launderings of the mobile, washing tanks of gases, sanitary vases, and watering place.


indústria de alimentos flavors aromatizantes water reuse administração da qualidade quality management aditivos alimentares food additives food industry reúso de águas

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