AplicaÃÃo de reatores hÃbridos aerÃbicos para o pÃs tratamento de reatores anaerÃbicos enfocando a nitrificaÃÃo do sistema




This study evaluated the application of hybrid reactor in simultaneous removal of carbon and nitrogen. It used two sets of reactors formed by anaerobic reactor (UASB + Filter anaerobic) and aerobic reactor (activated sludge + aerated biofilter). The hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the anaerobic reactors was at 8 hours as an aerobic reactor operated with HRT, 8 hours and 4 others from the experiment was divided into two phases with and without recirculation. When operated without recycling the anaerobic reactors were COD of efficiency of 83% with the recycling efficiency decreased to 79%, the addition of aerobic reactor with HRT of 4 hours showed no significant improvement in the removal of organic matter in the aerobic reactor of HRT 8 hours increased by 6 percentage points in efficiency in both phases. With respect to the nitrification aerobic reactors showed similar behavior after the formation of biomass, the alkalinity in the effluent was enough to help nitrification. In Phase 2 all the nitrate was denitrified recirculation, the carbon present in the medium was sufficient for denitrification, the effluent concentration of nitrate had less than 8 mg / L, 88% of the data, the aerobic reactor with HRT, 8 hours, attended the standards established by CONAMA 379/2008 in relation to ammonia nitrogen, the percentage was 70% for reactor with HRT for 4 hours


nitrification organic matter - removal hybrid reactor engenharia civil denitrification reator hÃbrido desnitrificaÃÃo nitrificaÃÃo remoÃÃo de matÃria orgÃnica

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