Another look - audiovisual in the class architecture: pedagogical innovations / Outro olhar - o audiovisual na arquitetura da aula: inovações pedagógicas




This study inset in the research line of the University, Instruction and Teachers Education, has the following objectives: 1. identifying interests and motivations of the use of audiovisual in the education practices by teacher in the Social Communication graduation course at a College in the Southeast area of the State of São Paulo; 2. diagnosing the possibilities of promoting the appreciation of audiovisual as a resource able to stimulate a new pedagogical procedure in harmony with the contemporary student social context, an image consumer, exposed to the new media and to the culture of mass communication; 3. contributing with pedagogical essays that use audiovisual communication to further discussion on methodological innovations. Our proposal was to detach audiovisual in the context of education and communication technologies bringing another view to their potentials on the teaching-learning relationships. The teaching analysis and the teacher means to develop it, were performed in a critical and contextualized manner in the education of the student of social communication, through the speech of seven subjects that answered a questionnaire. The world of images and audiovisual communication, portrayed in theoretical fundaments that provided the subsidy for the video proposal as a metaphor on the construction of knowledge and the analysis of the testimonies on moving image and what it represents in the investigated reality, pointed out the search for breaking the limits of space and time in the class architecture. It is expected with this work to contribute for the advance of the discussion on innovation of the pedagogical practice with the insertion of technological resources, specially audiovisual in the classrooms at college level teaching institutions


inovação social communication educacao teaching action ação docente comunicação social teacher education innovation audiovisual formação do professor audiovisual

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