Anatomia comparativa dos orgãos vegetativos de Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminose, Papilionoideae)




Dahlstedtia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) is a neotropical genus, native trom southern brazilian Atlantic Forest, with two species D. pinnata and D. erythrina. The internal structure of vegetative organs of its was described and compared as a taxonomic aid to both of them. There was a strong anatomical resemblance in the genus. In the leaf, the epidermal cells were cuticularized with lignin incrustation. The leaflets had epidermical cells with wavy anticlinal walls, and the mesophyll was characterized by an extension of bundle sheath tissues, comprising 1-3 layers of lobed cells, with well-developed spaces among them. The petiolule had epidermical reentrances and open vascular system. The petiole was pulvinated with variation in the shape of the vascular system; there was secondary vascular tissues formation. The stem was eustelic with trilacunar nodal structure of three vascular traces, and secretory cavities occured in the cortex and pith. The wood was stratified with heterogeneous, mostly uniseriate rays, diffuse-porous distribution, and vasicentric parenchyma. In the root epidermis, stomata did not occur; there was a variation in the number of metaxylem poles. The secondary root was amiliferous and mostly uniseriate. In spite of anatomical resemblance of Dahlstedtia species, some distinctive characters were found, like the presence of cristaliferous idioblasts in the petiole pith of D. erythrina, and in the secondary root phloem and pith of D. pinnata, a smallest number of primary stem fibres layers in D. erythrina, and the secretory cavities in the leaf and in the vegetative shoot apex of D. pinnata. Those characters allied to others of the externa I morphology supported taxonomic distinction of two species of Dahlstedtia


troncos (botanica) folhas - anatomia anatomia vegetal raizes (botanica) leguminosa

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