Analysis of effect isoxsuprine hydrochloride and nicotine in the Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous flap (TRAM) in rats
Costa, Walder, Silva, Alcino Lázaro da, Costa, Gustavo Rocha, Vidigal, Paula Vieira Teixeira, Pereira, Fernando Henrique
Acta Cir. Bras.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of isoxsuprine and nicotine on TRAM. METHODS: Forty eight 48 Wistar rats distributed into four Groups (n=12). All rats received medication managed daily for 20 days: saline solution (SA), nicotine solution (NI), isoxsuprine solution (IS) and nicotine solution (NI) + isoxsuprine solution (IS). On day 21st the rats were submitted to the caudally based, right unipedicled TRAM flap and after 48 hours, made the macroscopic evaluation of the surface of the flap, photographic documentation and collection of material for histology. Data from macroscopic evaluation were analyzed by ANOVA and microscopic evaluation by Kruskal-Wallis test, with significance level of 5%. RESULTS: In the macroscopic evaluation of isoxsuprine Group retail presented absolute numbers: final area (p=0.001*) and viable area (p=0.006*) with the highest values; necrosis (p=0.001*) had the lowest value. Microscopic examination revealed no significant findings in the study of TRAM under the action of isoxsuprine and nicotine to the percentage of necrosis in the left and right cranial and caudal regions. CONCLUSIONS: There was significant improvement in viability of TRAM using the isoxsuprine solution alone. No influence using nicotine alone and in association with isoxsuprine.
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